Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ughh. I'm sorry it took so long before I made another blog. I've been very laaaaazzzzyyy and busy with things and friends this past few weeks and kinda enjoying it. Uhm.. So for today's post its all about the start of my summer - family bonding at Sofitel.

We stayed there for a couple of days, and had a fun shot with my sister and my brother as a photographer. So here are some photos my brother took. :D


Ehhh. I'm sorry. Forgive my photos, I know I've been so vain. >,<


Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the sun, play with the heat and eventually, everything will be alright. And maybe it will turn out greater than you and everyone expected. So just keep on playing. Being playful was never for kids. It's for people who knows how to enjoy life. :)

And of course, people will always have their favorite photo. Then what are my favorites? Here you go.. 
Nhize, our little angel trying to be vain. :P

Ate Kath, my brother's wife. Sexy mama and gave birth to her first baby girl yesterday - Dennise Kate (4.11.13) :D

Hope you guys enjoyed checking out our photos. Try to have fun and take a shot. 
A naked eyes will always see the true beauty of a thing. 
"When people ask me what equipment I use, I tell them my eyes." - Anonymous

Photographer: Ong Morales


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