Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello everyone! Having a very busy week aren't we? Finals, theses, and research papers are all up this March but don't let stress get in to you. Hihihi.

For today's blog, I'll be just updating you about my week and what would be my blogs all about on the upcoming summer vacation. I actually made a list on what would I do this summer vacation and I thought and decided to have a productive one and share it to you. Yey! Okay, so here's the list of the blog I'll be posting SOON. *Hopefully I would be able to post at least one blog/week maybe? FINGERS CROSSED!*

Okay there will be NO chronological order, what I feel doing first would be done first :P But you can leave a comment below on what do you want to see first here in my page and try my very best to post it ASAP!
Our photo-shoot poster. Wee. I made this myself! 

1st: Colorful World Photoshoot Experience - it will happen today March 16, 2013. It's a free photoshoot I organized for my buyers just so I could hangout with them too. Hopefully I could post and share my photos and my cosplayer friends and buyers' photos here maybe next week? Wee.

2nd: Start of Summer: Family Bonding - Planning to start spending my summer vacation with my family of course since I've been spending my weekends here in Manila. So we might have to go somewhere this 24th of March. :)

3rd: What's in my Purse? - a blog post about what's really in my purse (my little make up kit bag) and also about the product inside it, almost a product review though. Ü

My younger sister. She's vain and pretty like her ate :P
4th: Sister Bonding Time! - Photoshoot collaboration with my sister, she doesn't have a blog but she's so vain and addicted to camera and we both really wanted to do a photoshoot this summer so yea. Summer is all about photoshoots for me!

5th: Etude House Product Review - Since I've been using Etude Product for this year so thinking that I should made a product review about it. And might as well more tips about beauty product~

6th: Sparkle, New Ice, Crystal Lenses Reviews - A seller and a user of my own products, I wanted to voice out my own experience with my own lenses. Hopefully I could help my buyers to chose what brand would suit them more by posting this blog. :)

7th: A New Make up Tutorial - Still thinking on what kind of make up should I feature. An everyday make up maybe? Or IDK. Another doll make up tutorial? We'll see. :)

8th: My First Ever Cosplay Experience - I've been planning to go on a convention in a costume but as always, it is not happening due to my very hectic schedule :( But hopefully I'll be able to attend more than one con this summer, and I'm gonna start this April 12-14 (I haven't decide which day would I go) in Ozine Fest at Starmall. I'll update you guys before the event so we could see each other. Yey!

9th: Enna's Little Wig Haul - I'm addicted to wigs and as of now, I think I have a total number of nine (9) wigs in different style and cut. I think you guys might be interested to see them. Hoho.

10th: More Cosplay Experience! - I told you, I'm gonna have a very productive summer, and by productive I meant having more shoots and cosplays to attend at. Hihihi. Oohhh. I'm trying to make my dreams happen and I want you to see me succeed, and by sharing my experiences, I hope I could give you guys some inspiration and motivation to reach your own goals and dreams. :)

There you go guys, a total of 10 on my list this summer. A spoonful of useful experience, tips, reviews and opinions are up for grabs this summer. Keep on supporting my blog and I'll keep updating everyone at least once a week! Hihi. See you next week! Au revoir! :)


  1. your'e so nice ate :D Idol na kita ^_^ pa add naman po
